How to Setup Node

If you're looking to build an app on Patex you'll need access to an Patex node. You have two options - use a hosted node from providers like Alchemy or run your own.

# Hosted node providers

You can get a free hosted one from any of these providers to get up and building quickly. Of them, RPC Provider is our preferred node provider, and is used to power our public endpoint.

However, you might be interested in running your very own Patex node. Here we'll go over the process of running a testnet or mainnet Patex node for yourself.

# Upgrades

If you run a node you need to control github node versions to an update feed to know when to upgrade. Otherwise, your node will eventually stop working.

# Running your own node

You can find detailed information about running your own nodes for Testnet in the Testnet Node Launch section and for Mainnet in the Mainnet Node Launch section.

Last updated