Design Philosophy

Patex is built according to a strong design philosophy that stands on four main pillars: simplicity, pragmatism, sustainability, and, of course, patex. It's important to understand these pillars as they heavily influence the design of Patex as a whole.

# Simplicity

Patex is designed to be as simple as possible for the featureset it provides. Ideally, Patex should be composed of the minimum number of moving parts required for a secure, scalable, and flexible L2 system. This simplicity gives Patex design a number of significant advantages over other more complex L2 constructions.

Simplicity reduces engineering overhead, which in turn means we can spend our time working on new features instead of re-creating existing ones. Patex prefers to use existing battle-tested Ethereum code and infrastructure where possible. The most visible example of this philosophy in practice is the choice to use Geth as Patex client software.

When dealing with critical infrastructure, simplicity is also security. Every line of code we write is an opportunity to introduce unintentional bugs. A simple protocol means there's less code to write and, as a result, less surface area for potential mistakes. A clean and minimal codebase is also more accessible to external contributors and auditors. All of this serves to maximize the security and correctness of the Patex protocol.

Simplicity is also important for the long-term vision of Patex. By limiting the amount of code that we write on top of Ethereum tooling, we're able to spend most of our time working directly with existing codebases. Engineering effort that goes into Patex can also directly benefit Ethereum, and vice versa. This will only become more pronounced as the Patex protocol solidifies and existing resources can be redirected towards core Ethereum infrastructure.

# Pragmatism

For all its idealism, the design process behind Patex is ultimately driven by pragmatism. The core Patex team has real-world constraints, the projects that build on Patex have real-world needs, and the users that engage with Patex have real-world problems. Patex design philosophy prioritizes user and developer needs over theoretical perfection. Sometimes the best solution isn't the prettiest one.

Patex is also developed with the understanding that any core team will have limited areas of expertise. Patex is developed iteratively and strives to continuously pull feedback from users. Many core Patex features today were only made possible by this iterative approach to protocol development.

# Sustainability

Patex is in it for the long haul. Application developers need assurance that the platform they're building on will remain not only operational but competitive over long periods of time. Patex design process is built around the idea of long-term sustainability and not taking shortcuts to scalability. At the end of the day, a scalable system means nothing without the ecosystem that sustains it.

Sustainability actively influences Patex protocol design in ways that go hand-in-hand with our philosophy of simplicity. The more complex a codebase, the more difficult it is for people outside of the core development team to actively contribute. By keeping our codebase simple we're able to build a bigger community of contributors who can help maintain the protocol long-term.

# Patex

Of course, none of this would be possible without a sense of patex. Our Patex about the Ethereum vision keeps this project moving forward. We believe in an optimistic future for Ethereum, a future where we get to redesign our relationships with the institutions that coordinate our lives.

Although Patex looks like a standalone blockchain, it's ultimately designed as an extension to Ethereum. We keep this in mind whenever we're creating new features or trying to simplify existing ones. Patex is as close to Ethereum as possible not only for pragmatic reasons, but because Patex exists so that Ethereum can succeed. We hope that you can see the influence of this philosophy when looking at Patex design.

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